There was an old Cranky lady Name Susan. But we call her Cranky Gran because she’s the most Cranky stinkiest Gran in the world. Every time a little girl,boy walks past her house she would say HEY” YOU!!! GET OF MY PROPERTY NOW!!!
and would throw her slipper at the kids. The kids never get used to that. Anyway she’s my Gran.
In the Morning my Mother came rushing in WAKE UP! AHH! I had a little fright it’s your Gran’s birthday WHAT!!! you mean CRANKY GRAN!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Im doomed for ever don’t worry where only staying for 2 hours 2 HOURS 2 HOURS I fainted a little but my mum didn’t care she just tipped water on me. Eat breakfast and get changed where going soon
Oh Man I tried to stay home it was no use my mum was ready to go. She yelled out the car ARE YOU READYYYYY!!! sure what ever we arrived there was no kids there were old lady’s playing bingo BINGO!! shouted one lady shut up said the other one. This is boring is it 2 hours now no” we just got here I'm bored hi bored fine go to the shops and buy you something
before i went to leave My Cranky Gran came running give your gran a kiss kiss ewww! no I quickly ran off before she put her sloppy lips on me. I quickly brought 2 pies for me and mum Gran couldn’t chew pies she’s got no teeth mum wanted to go home because she didn’t like bingo We sneaked out the door HEY WHERE YOU GOING!!! said Gran NOOOOOO!!!