We looked in we saw a lot of kids and adults waiting for their turn there was cameras so we can watch them play on the TV after they had finished their lights flashed on they were talking all about it. Hey” do you guys want to play? said the lady that works their. Yes please four of us want to play okay that will be $24 dollars for four games. We went in where all the gear was and laser guns Don’t worry they're not real! we watched a big TV Screen that showed us the rules no cheating for an example you can’t cover your gear when they shoot you don’t take it off either. No swearing and you have to hold the gun with two hands don’t get angry when you lose!
Ready do you know the rules and how to play? yes as we put our gear on. We went in READY! said my aunty Ready said me and my sister Sapphire. We ran through the dark path it was spooky but cool. We splitted up you go that way” and I go this way sapphire go down watch out for the mines try to attack their goal we were team red as always I saw the mine gonna blow me up so I ran and jumped WOW! that was awesome!!! GAME OVER said this voice the lights turned on that was the best game ever” We finished all our rounds of games we got frozen slushies and went to burger king.
Finally we made it to my Nana's house to eat our lunch. We stayed for six days nearly a week it was awesome we said thanks to my aunty before she left and Alex too
maybe next time we can go again!
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