The first thing Im proud of is my Reading progress and getting things done like my blog post I like posting new things and learning new cultures at the same time I like finishing things off like my work so I don’t have to do it tomorrow I want to be better next year so I can level up and finish my work off
I’m proud of my writing to because I can work myself and im faster at writing so I can post it on my blog.
I’m Proud of netball because it’s a very fun thing to do I played for 3 years at my old school at Ptengland School I played for a half a year I like playing heaps of sports running makes me proud to because you might get an award or something. I like spending times with my friends it’s lots of fun you can do heaps of things with them they even might come to your house.
I Really want to level up on my Reading because I’m gonna be a year 7 next year and I want to be better than I was. I really need to do my maths I’m getting there I just need to move up a level than i’ll probably do better because I want to learn and pass my maths test. Reading is the thing I need to learn I want to level up to 11 so I can do better and learn heaps.
I Really can’t wait for next year I really need to learn heaps my goal is to try my best at learning for next year!!!
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